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Tree Full Of Ibis At Silver Springs State Park

Tree Full Of Ibis At Silver Springs State Park
6 Photos    

Large Gator Rests In The Grass Under The LaChua Trail Boardwalk

Large Gator Rests In The Grass Under The LaChua Trail Boardwalk
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Gator Reflected In Setting Sun At LaChua Trail

Gator Reflected In Setting Sun At LaChua Trail

Pair Of Herons Walk By While Gators Soak Up The Sun At La Chua Trail

Pair Of Herons Walk By While Gators Soak Up The Sun At La Chua Trail
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Gators Reflected While Sunning At La Chua Trail Wetland

Gators Reflected While Sunning At La Chua Trail Wetland
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Anhinga Feeds His Young At Silver Springs State Park

Anhinga Feeds His Young At Silver Springs State Park

Cormorants at Silver Springs

Cormorants at Silver Springs
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Close Up With Silver Springs Monkeys at Sea Hunt Dock

Close Up With Silver Springs Monkeys at Sea Hunt Dock

Anhinga Looking For Dinner At Silver Springs

Anhinga Looking For Dinner At Silver Springs
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Manatees Staying Warm At Blue Springs State Park

Manatees Staying Warm At Blue Springs State Park
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Great Blue Herron Enjoys A Catfish Lunch At Paynes Prairie

Great Blue Herron Enjoys A Catfish Lunch At Paynes Prairie
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Clouds Reflected On A Hot Morning At Paynes Prairie Wetland

Clouds Reflected On A Hot Morning At Paynes Prairie Wetland

Silver Springs Gator Looks Out While Resting In The Shade

Silver Springs Gator Looks Out While Resting In The Shade
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Pair Of Cormorants Fighting Over A Fish At Silver Springs

Pair Of Cormorants Fighting Over A Fish At Silver Springs
8 Photos    

Mother Manatee With Her Calf At Blue Springs State Park

Mother Manatee With Her Calf At Blue Springs State Park

Ibis Takes A Drink At Silver River

Ibis Takes A Drink At Silver River
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Gator open up *VERY* wide at Paynes Prairie

Gator open up *VERY* wide at Paynes Prairie
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Foggy Early Morning Sun At Silver Springs

Foggy Early Morning Sun At Silver Springs
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Anhinga Admires His Reflection While Drying Feathers

Anhinga Admires His Reflection While Drying Feathers
13 Photos    

Gator Shows Of His Teeth At Paynes Prairie

Gator Shows Of His Teeth At Paynes Prairie
8 Photos    

Trio of Turtles Share A Log In Silver River

Trio of Turtles Share A Log In Silver River
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Anhinga Poses Perched On Silver Springs’ Horseshoe Palm Tree

Anhinga Poses Perched On Silver Springs’ Horseshoe Palm Tree
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Paynes Prairie Gator Uncurls And Swims Away

Paynes Prairie Gator Uncurls And Swims Away

Alligator Soaks Up The Sun At Sliver Springs

Alligator Soaks Up The Sun At Sliver Springs
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Tiny Warblers Share A Snack Under Wetland Vegetation

Tiny Warblers Share A Snack Under Wetland Vegetation
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Alligator Chomps On Metal Water Bottle At La Chua Trail

Alligator Chomps On Metal Water Bottle At La Chua Trail
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Great Blue Heron Shows Off The Catch Of The Day

Great Blue Heron Shows Off The Catch Of The Day
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Pair Of Gators Sunning Along The Water At La Chua Trail

Pair Of Gators Sunning Along The Water At La Chua Trail
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Do You See A Gator? I Just See Vegetation

Do You See A Gator?  I Just See Vegetation
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Limpkin Digs Into Snail At La Chua Trail

Limpkin Digs Into Snail At La Chua Trail
4 Photos    

Gator Cools Down While Sunning At La Chua Trail

Gator Cools Down While Sunning At La Chua Trail
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Hungry Squirrel Snacks On A Chip At Silver Springs State Park

Hungry Squirrel Snacks On A Chip At Silver Springs State Park
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Hard-Shell Turtle At Silver Springs Reflected Into Sphere

Hard-Shell Turtle At Silver Springs Reflected Into Sphere
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Alligator’s Tail Is Reflected In Water at LaChua Trail

Alligator’s Tail Is Reflected In Water at LaChua Trail

Young Anhinga Thinking About Leaving The Nest

Young Anhinga Thinking About Leaving The Nest
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Pair Of Wild Horses Playing At Paynes Prairie

Pair Of Wild Horses Playing At Paynes Prairie

Gator Opens Up Wide At LaChua Trail

Gator Opens Up Wide At LaChua Trail
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Deer Exploring Paynes Prairie State Park, Near LaChua Trail

Deer Exploring Paynes Prairie State Park, Near LaChua Trail
3 Photos    

Gator Stretches His Arms While Sunning At LaChua Trail

Gator Stretches His Arms While Sunning At LaChua Trail
7 Photos    

Anhinga Poses On Silver Springs’ Horseshoe Palm Tree

Anhinga Poses On Silver Springs’ Horseshoe Palm Tree